Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to book or can I just turn up on the day?
For the safety of our doggy friends at the centre and the staff, all dogs are required to be approved via the consultation process (see our "about us" section) and then are required to book on using the online system. We do not accept dogs that turn up with no booking prior.
Does my puppy or dog need to be vaccinated?
Puppies needs to have had their first and second lot of vaccinations, including Kennel Cough before coming to our centre, but there is nothing to say you can't have your consultation in the mean time.
Older dogs (1 year+) need to have had their yearly booster vaccination and Kennel Cough as part of our policy.
Do you offer boarding?
No, here at Waggy Tales we only offer care during the day, each working week, there are no kennels or boarding facilities. However our staff members offer overnight services where they stay and look after your pets in your own home. See our "dog sitting" section of the website for all the details and what we offer.
Does my puppy or dog need to be neutered?
Entire males will be considered pending their behavior consultation assessment. Dogs that have recently been castrated cannot book on until 1-2 weeks after the operation (or as instructed by your vet).
Females we prefer to have been Spayed, as this keeps everyone calmer, however its not a must. We do ask that when your Bitch is in season she stays at home the week of the season and two weeks after it has ended.
Recently spayed females cannot book until 2-3 weeks after the operation (or as instructed by your vet).
My dog is elderly, will they be ok to join?
Here at Waggy Tales we have no age discrimination and welcome all dogs. We have special areas set out around the centre for dogs to quietly take themselves away to rest or have some alone time, or they can relax in the main building for cuddles and relax with us.
Our staff always make sure all our dogs are comfortable so will make sure each dogs needs are met.
My pet has special medication. Can their needs be accommodated?
Of course! We can give your dog everything they need while they are here, and all staff have had training on how to medicate our canine friends. Make sure to give us details of medications and dosages or changes.
I've never seen a doggy daycare centre, can I visit first?
Of course! If you wish to look around before committing to join us, just fill out the behaviour consultation request form to book your dogs consultation with us, or send us an email and we will set up a date for you to visit with a member of our staff.
What do you do in extreme weathers?
So when it's really hot, we make sure there are lots of drinking stations with water, have watery games to keep cool and we have shady sheds dotted around outside if dogs don't want to go into the main building, which has fans.
In bad rain or Winter months, to avoid your dogs getting mucky or soaked, we have a special area that goes directly out the back of the main building and is astroturf not grass, so dogs can do all their usual business but not get muddy or wet due to this area being 50% covered. In Winter we also have heaters and heat pads for extra snuggly warmth, and lots of cuddles of course!
Does my dog or puppy have to be trained?
No. It's always useful to have the basics down and can come in handy to help staff, but it's not required. You may find after a day with us your companion might be more relaxed to do training at home. You will certainly see some form of improvement with some behaviors after being with us all day!
Are you insured?
Yes, at Waggy Tales all staff and the centre are insured.
Our staff are also trained in canine first aid so your dogs are safe with us!
We are fully licensed with the highest rating given by the council for a dog daycare facility.
What if I'm late collecting my dog?
Anyone who is late by 15 minutes over their booked appointment time 2 or more times will be charged a late fee of £10 each time thereafter.
This isn't to upset owners, but to be fair to our staff members that will be working overtime if the lateness is past our closing time of 5.30, and it means we stay within our limits of dogs per person during the day - if we break this and get an inspection the centre could be closed for breech of licencing!
Anyone late by 30 minutes + at any time can will also be charged the late fee as this is more than a small lapse of time and puts our centre at risk.
Do you only accept certain breeds?
No, here at Waggy Tales we accept all breeds, shapes and sizes as long as your dog has passed the consultation process and get along with the group, no discrimination here!
Do you walk the dogs?
Our centre's size and variety of fun apparatus and activities means that your dog will get more than enough exercise while they are here, full or half day, they will always go home tired so no need for walkies.
Can I book a groom and the daycare?
Of course! You are more than welcome to book in for a day of play and a pamper too. We would advise booking your time slot so the groom will finish at the time you planned to pick your dog us from daycare to avoid messing up their new do!
We will take your dog over to Ruff to Puff for you if they are already at daycare, then you can collect them straight from the groomer.
If you are only having a minor treatment such as a nail clip you can book this any time in the day they are here and we will take them over to the groomer and back for more playtime fun at the daycare.
It is best to book the grooming appointment first as free slots are now at least a month in advance, then book your daycare around the grooming appointment.
Do I need to bring food or toys?
If your puppy still has a lunch, or you give food with medication we are more than happy for you to supply this each day, and your dog will be fed privately away from the other dogs.
You don't need to bring any toys as your dog will find more than enough to play with here, and we would't want yours to get lost or broken!
What if my dog gets sick or injured?
If your dog or puppy presents with vomiting or diarrhea you will be contacted, either we will arrange for you to collect your dog or we have isolation kennels they can stay in for the remainder of their day, but don't worry they wont be forgotten about staff will still interact with them, it's a precaution to protect the rest of the dogs.
If your dog becomes injured, we again will contact you straight away and depending on severity we will discuss taking them to the vet. We always strive to have calmer play and have no injuries, but small ones can occur when any dogs play, no matter where they are.
Waggy Tales is both Fully Insured and Licensed with full start rating from South Northamptonshire Council.
License number: LN/202000167